Protocol Documentation

Table of Contents




bchrpc contains a set of RPCs that can be exposed publicly via

the command line options. This service could be authenticated or


Method NameRequest TypeResponse TypeDescription
GetMempoolInfo GetMempoolInfoRequest GetMempoolInfoResponse

GetMempoolInfo returns the state of the current mempool.

GetMempool GetMempoolRequest GetMempoolResponse

GetMempool returns information about all transactions currently in the memory pool. Offers an option to return full transactions or just transactions hashes.

GetBlockchainInfo GetBlockchainInfoRequest GetBlockchainInfoResponse

GetBlockchainInfo returns data about the blockchain including the most recent block hash and height.

GetBlockInfo GetBlockInfoRequest GetBlockInfoResponse

GetBlockInfo returns metadata and info for a specified block.

GetBlock GetBlockRequest GetBlockResponse

GetBlock returns detailed data for a block.

GetRawBlock GetRawBlockRequest GetRawBlockResponse

GetRawBlock returns a block in a serialized format.

GetBlockFilter GetBlockFilterRequest GetBlockFilterResponse

GetBlockFilter returns the compact filter (cf) of a block as a Golomb-Rice encoded set. **Requires CfIndex**

GetHeaders GetHeadersRequest GetHeadersResponse

GetHeaders takes a block locator object and returns a batch of no more than 2000 headers. Upon parsing the block locator, if the server concludes there has been a fork, it will send headers starting at the fork point, or genesis if no blocks in the locator are in the best chain. If the locator is already at the tip no headers will be returned. see: bchd/bchrpc/documentation/

GetTransaction GetTransactionRequest GetTransactionResponse

GetTransaction returns a transaction given a transaction hash. **Requires TxIndex**

GetRawTransaction GetRawTransactionRequest GetRawTransactionResponse

GetRawTransaction returns a serialized transaction given a transaction hash. **Requires TxIndex**

GetAddressTransactions GetAddressTransactionsRequest GetAddressTransactionsResponse

GetAddressTransactions returns the transactions for the given address. Offers offset, limit, and from block options. **Requires AddressIndex**

GetRawAddressTransactions GetRawAddressTransactionsRequest GetRawAddressTransactionsResponse

GetRawAddressTransactions the serialized raw transactions for the given address. Offers offset, limit, and from block options. **Requires AddressIndex**

GetAddressUnspentOutputs GetAddressUnspentOutputsRequest GetAddressUnspentOutputsResponse

GetAddressUnspentOutputs returns all the unspent transaction outputs for the given address. **Requires AddressIndex**

GetUnspentOutput GetUnspentOutputRequest GetUnspentOutputResponse

GetUnspentOutput takes an unspent output in the utxo set and returns the utxo metadata or not found.

GetMerkleProof GetMerkleProofRequest GetMerkleProofResponse

GetMerkleProof returns a Merkle (SPV) proof for a specific transaction in the provided block. **Requires TxIndex***

SubmitTransaction SubmitTransactionRequest SubmitTransactionResponse

SubmitTransaction broadcasts a transaction to all connected peers.

SubscribeTransactions SubscribeTransactionsRequest TransactionNotification stream

SubscribeTransactions creates subscription to all relevant transactions based on the subscription filter. This RPC does not use bidirectional streams and therefore can be used with grpc-web. You will need to close and reopen the stream whenever you want to update the subscription filter. If you are not using grpc-web then SubscribeTransactionStream is more appropriate. **Requires TxIndex to receive input metadata**

SubscribeTransactionStream SubscribeTransactionsRequest stream TransactionNotification stream

SubscribeTransactionStream subscribes to relevant transactions based on the subscription requests. The parameters to filter transactions on can be updated by sending new SubscribeTransactionsRequest objects on the stream. NOTE: Because this RPC is using bi-directional streaming it cannot be used with grpc-web. **Requires TxIndex to receive input metadata**

SubscribeBlocks SubscribeBlocksRequest BlockNotification stream

SubscribeBlocks creates a subscription for notifications of new blocks being connected to the blockchain or blocks being disconnected.


info BlockInfo

Block header data, as well as metadata stored by the node.

transaction_data Block.TransactionData repeated

List of transactions or transaction hashes.


transaction_hash bytes

Just the transaction hash, little-endian.

transaction Transaction

A marshaled transaction.


Metadata for identifying and validating a block


hash bytes

The double sha256 hash of the six header fields in the first 80 bytes of the block, when encoded according the bitcoin protocol, little-endian. sha256(sha256(encoded_header))

height int32

The block number, an incremental index for each block mined.

version int32

A version number to track software/protocol upgrades.

previous_block bytes

Hash of the previous block, little-endian.

merkle_root bytes

The root of the Merkle Tree built from all transactions in the block, little-endian.

timestamp int64

When mining of the block started, expressed in seconds since 1970-01-01.

bits uint32

Difficulty in Compressed Target Format.

nonce uint32

A random value that was generated during block mining which happened to result in a computed block hash below the difficulty target at the time.

confirmations int32

Number of blocks in a chain, including the block itself upon creation.

difficulty double

Difficulty target at time of creation.

next_block_hash bytes

Hash of the next block in this chain, little-endian.

size int32

Size of the block in bytes.

median_time int64

The median block time of the latest 11 block timestamps.


type BlockNotification.Type

Whether the block is connected to the chain.

block_info BlockInfo

Marshaled block header data, as well as metadata stored by the node.

marshaled_block Block

A Block.

serialized_block bytes

Binary block, serialized using bitcoin protocol encoding.


Get marshaled transactions related to a specific address.


Parameters have been provided to query without creating

performance issues on the node or client.

- The number of transactions to skip and fetch allow for iterating

over a large set of transactions, if necessary.

- A starting block parameter (either `hash` or `height`)

may then be used to filter results to those occurring

after a certain time.

This approach will reduce network traffic and response processing

for the client, as well as reduce workload on the node.

address string

The address to query transactions, in lowercase cashaddr format. The network prefix is optional (i.e. "cashaddress:").

nb_skip uint32

The number of confirmed transactions to skip, starting with the oldest first. Does not affect results of unconfirmed transactions.

nb_fetch uint32

Specify the number of transactions to fetch.

hash bytes

Recommended. Only get transactions after (or within) a starting block identified by hash, little-endian.

height int32

Recommended. Only get transactions after (or within) a starting block identified by block number.


confirmed_transactions Transaction repeated

Transactions that have been included in a block.

unconfirmed_transactions MempoolTransaction repeated

Transactions in mempool which have not been included in a block.


address string

The address to query transactions, in lowercase cashaddr format. The network identifier is optional (i.e. "cashaddress:").

include_mempool bool

When `include_mempool` is true, unconfirmed transactions from mempool are returned. Default is false.


outputs UnspentOutput repeated

List of unspent outputs.


hash bytes

The block hash as a byte array or base64 encoded string, little-endian.

height int32

The block number.


filter bytes

A compact filter matching input outpoints and public key scripts contained in a block (encoded according to BIP158).


hash bytes

The block hash as a byte array or base64 encoded string, little-endian.

height int32

The block number.


info BlockInfo

Marshaled block header data, as well as metadata.


hash bytes

The block hash as a byte array or base64 encoded string, little-endian.

height int32

The block number.

full_transactions bool

When `full_transactions` is true, full transactions are returned instead of just hashes. Default is false.


block Block

A marshaled block.



bitcoin_net GetBlockchainInfoResponse.BitcoinNet

Which network the node is operating on.

best_height int32

The current number of blocks on the longest chain.

best_block_hash bytes

The hash of the best (tip) block in the most-work fully-validated chain, little-endian.

difficulty double

Threshold for adding new blocks.

median_time int64

Median time of the last 11 blocks.

tx_index bool

When `tx_index` is true, the node has full transaction index enabled.

addr_index bool

When `addr_index` is true, the node has address index enabled and may be used with call related by address.


Request headers using a list of known block hashes.

block_locator_hashes bytes repeated

A list of block hashes known to the client (most recent first) which is exponentially sparser toward the genesis block (0), little-endian. Common practice is to include all of the last 10 blocks, and then 9 blocks for each order of ten thereafter.

stop_hash bytes

hash of the latest desired block header, little-endian; only blocks occurring before the stop will be returned.


headers BlockInfo repeated

List of block headers.



size uint32

The count of transactions in the mempool

bytes uint32

The size in bytes of all transactions in the mempool


full_transactions bool

When `full_transactions` is true, full transaction data is provided instead of just transaction hashes. Default is false.


transaction_data GetMempoolResponse.TransactionData repeated

List of unconfirmed transactions.


transaction_hash bytes

The transaction hash, little-endian.

transaction Transaction

The transaction data.


transaction_hash bytes

A transaction hash, little-endian.


block BlockInfo

Block header information for the corresponding transaction

hashes bytes repeated

A list containing the transaction hash, the adjacent leaf transaction hash and the hashes of the highest nodes in the merkle tree not built with the transaction. Proof hashes are ordered following transaction order, or left to right on the merkle tree

flags bytes

Binary representing the location of the matching transaction in the full merkle tree, starting with the root (`1`) at position/level 0, where `1` corresponds to a left branch and `01` is a right branch.


Get encoded transactions related to a specific address.


Parameters have been provided to query without creating

performance issues on the node or client.

- The number of transactions to skip and fetch allow for iterating

over a large set of transactions, if necessary.

- A starting block parameter (either `hash` or `height`)

may then be used to filter results to those occurring

after a certain time.

This approach will reduce network traffic and response processing

for the client, as well as reduce workload on the node.

address string

The address to query transactions, in lowercase cashaddr format. The network prefix is optional (i.e. "cashaddress:").

nb_skip uint32

The number of confirmed transactions to skip, starting with the oldest first. Does not affect results of unconfirmed transactions.

nb_fetch uint32

Specify the number of transactions to fetch.

hash bytes

Recommended. Only return transactions after some starting block identified by hash, little-endian.

height int32

Recommended. Only return transactions after some starting block identified by block number.


confirmed_transactions bytes repeated

Transactions that have been included in a block.

unconfirmed_transactions bytes repeated

Transactions in mempool which have not been included in a block.


hash bytes

The block hash as a byte array or base64 encoded string, little-endian.

height int32

The block number.


block bytes

Raw block data (with header) serialized according the the bitcoin block protocol.


Get an encoded transaction from a transaction hash.

hash bytes

A transaction hash, little-endian.


transaction bytes

Raw transaction in bytes.


Get a transaction from a transaction hash.

hash bytes

A transaction hash, little-endian.


transaction Transaction

A marshaled transaction.


hash bytes

The hash of the transaction, little-endian.

index uint32

The number of the output, starting from zero.

include_mempool bool

When include_mempool is true, unconfirmed transactions from mempool are returned. Default is false.


outpoint Transaction.Input.Outpoint

A reference to the related input.

pubkey_script bytes

Locking script dictating how funds can be spent in the future

value int64

Amount in satoshi.

is_coinbase bool

When is_coinbase is true, the transaction was the first in a block, created by a miner, and used to pay the block reward

block_height int32

The index number of the block containing the transaction creating the output.


transaction Transaction

added_time int64

The time when the transaction was added too the pool.

added_height int32

The block height when the transaction was added to the pool.

fee int64

The total fee in satoshi the transaction pays.

fee_per_kb int64

The fee in satoshi per kilobyte the transaction pays.

starting_priority double

The priority of the transaction when it was added to the pool.


transaction bytes

The encoded transaction.


hash bytes

Transaction hash, little-endian.


Options to define data structure to be sent by SubscribeBlock stream:

- BlockInfo (block metadata): `BlockInfo`

- SubscribeBlocksRequest {}

- Marshaled Block (with transaction hashes): `Block`

- SubscribeBlocksRequest {

full_block = true


- Marshaled Block (with full transaction data): `Block`

- SubscribeBlocksRequest {

full_block = true

full_transactions = true


- Serialized Block acccording to bitcoin protocol encoding: `bytes`

- SubscribeBlocksRequest {

serialize_block = true


full_block bool

When full_block is true, a complete marshaled block is sent. See `Block`. Default is false, block metadata is sent. See `BlockInfo`.

full_transactions bool

When full_transactions is true, provide full transaction info for a marshaled block. Default is false, only the transaction hashes are included for a marshaled block. See `TransactionData`.

serialize_block bool

When serialize_block is true, blocks are serialized using bitcoin protocol encoding. Default is false, block will be Marshaled (see `BlockInfo` and `BlockNotification`)


Request to subscribe or unsubscribe from a stream of transactions.

subscribe TransactionFilter

Subscribe to a filter. add items to a filter

unsubscribe TransactionFilter

Unsubscribe to a filter, remove items from a filter

include_mempool bool

When include_mempool is true, new unconfirmed transactions from mempool are included apart from the ones confirmed in a block.

include_in_block bool

When include_in_block is true, transactions are included when they are confirmed. This notification is sent in addition to any requested mempool notifications.

serialize_tx bool

When serialize_tx is true, transactions are serialized using bitcoin protocol encoding. Default is false, transaction will be Marshaled (see `Transaction`, `MempoolTransaction` and `TransactionNotification`)


hash bytes

The double sha256 hash of the encoded transaction, little-endian. sha256(sha256(encoded_transaction))

version int32

The version of the transaction format.

inputs Transaction.Input repeated

List of inputs.

outputs Transaction.Output repeated

List of outputs.

lock_time uint32

The block height or timestamp after which this transaction is allowed. If value is greater than 500 million, it is assumed to be an epoch timestamp, otherwise it is treated as a block-height. Default is zero, or lock.

size int32

The size of the transaction in bytes.

timestamp int64

When the transaction was included in a block, in epoch time.

confirmations int32

Number of blocks including proof of the transaction, including the block it appeared.

block_height int32

Number of the block containing the transaction.

block_hash bytes

Hash of the block the transaction was recorded in, little-endian.


index uint32

The number of the input, starting from zero.

outpoint Transaction.Input.Outpoint

The related outpoint.

signature_script bytes

An unlocking script asserting a transaction is permitted to spend the Outpoint (UTXO)

sequence uint32

As of BIP-68, the sequence number is interpreted as a relative lock-time for the input.

value int64

Amount in satoshi.

previous_script bytes

The pubkey_script of the previous output that is being spent.

address string

The bitcoin addresses associated with this input.


hash bytes

The hash of the transaction containing the output to be spent, little-endian

index uint32

The index of specific output on the transaction.


index uint32

The number of the output, starting from zero.

value int64

The number of satoshis to be transferred.

pubkey_script bytes

The public key script used to pay coins.

address string

The bitcoin addresses associated with this output.

script_class string

The type of script.

disassembled_script string

The script expressed in Bitcoin Cash Script.


addresses string repeated

Filter by address(es)

outpoints Transaction.Input.Outpoint repeated

Filter by output hash and index.

data_elements bytes repeated

Filter by data elements contained in pubkey scripts.

all_transactions bool

Subscribe/Unsubscribe to everything. Other filters will be ignored.


type TransactionNotification.Type

Whether or not the transaction has been included in a block.

confirmed_transaction Transaction

A transaction included in a block.

unconfirmed_transaction MempoolTransaction

A transaction in mempool.

serialized_transaction bytes

Binary transaction, serialized using bitcoin protocol encoding.


outpoint Transaction.Input.Outpoint

A reference to the output given by transaction hash and index.

pubkey_script bytes

The public key script used to pay coins.

value int64

The amount in satoshis

is_coinbase bool

When is_coinbase is true, the output is the first in the block, a generation transaction, the result of mining.

block_height int32

The block number containing the UXTO.


State of the block in relation to the chain.




Bitcoin network types


Live public network with monetary value.


An isolated environment for automated testing.


A public environment where monetary value is agreed to be zero, and some checks for transaction conformity are disabled.


Private testnets for large scale simulations (or stress testing), where a specified list of nodes is used, rather than node discovery.


State of the transaction acceptance.


A transaction in mempool.


A transaction in a block.

Scalar Value Types

.proto TypeNotesC++JavaPythonGoC#PHPRuby
double double double float float64 double float Float
float float float float float32 float float Float
int32 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
int64 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers – if your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
uint32 Uses variable-length encoding. uint32 int int/long uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
uint64 Uses variable-length encoding. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint32 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int32s. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sint64 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These more efficiently encode negative numbers than regular int64s. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
fixed32 Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. uint32 int int uint32 uint integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
fixed64 Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. uint64 long int/long uint64 ulong integer/string Bignum
sfixed32 Always four bytes. int32 int int int32 int integer Bignum or Fixnum (as required)
sfixed64 Always eight bytes. int64 long int/long int64 long integer/string Bignum
bool bool boolean boolean bool bool boolean TrueClass/FalseClass
string A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. string String str/unicode string string string String (UTF-8)
bytes May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. string ByteString str []byte ByteString string String (ASCII-8BIT)